Web Design Tips to Boost Your Conversion Rate
A human being has an attention span of mere 8 seconds literally less than that of a goldfish. So, the fact
is that you have very limited time to grab the attention of your visitors and keep them on your website.
And if you miss your chance, they are likely to leave and never come back to your website. Here, a
carefully designed website plays an important part in all of this, ultimately converting them into your
loyal customers.
The best in web development already know this, and utilize it well to maximize conversions for their
clients. Let’s explore a few web design Cairns tips and tricks you can use to help with your conversion rate.
Use faces in your web design
Faces attract attention as they bear emotions. Humans understand the face and if it shows any kind of
emotion, your users are more likely to connect with the website. Leveraging the feelings of your users
with the facial images makes a connection between the user and your brand, and the emotions drive
their decisions.
Be careful with the images though, as they should represent your brand. Avoid using stock photos.
Display reviews and testimonials
If you want to show establish trust with your users, reviews and testimonials are a must have on your
web page. Testimonials work as a proof (word of mouth per se), other people experience with your
products and services, helping your users make decisions.
Add real testimonials of your products and services on your websites. Make sure they are good ones and
it will pave an easy way for your users to make decisions.
Pay attention to content placement
The placement of content on your website is an essential tool for influencing your users. Studies have
shown that humans follow a pattern on a web page. Users start reading from the top left of a web page
and then move to the right. This forms a pattern similar to “F”.
This way the top left corner of the content gets the most attention. However, the attention of the user
keeps on decreasing as they move further down the page, but if you switch it up and place images
between your text, it will refresh the interest.
Call to action buttons
Call to action through buttons should be a crucial element of your web page, as interaction between you
and users happen through it. You really need to ensure that its clearly visible and as inviting as rolling
out the red carpet for your users.
These are just some of the tips you can employ to boost your website conversions. Implement some of
these and you’ll see a clear boost in the visitors and ultimately conversions for your business.